Sunday, March 3, 2013

7:36 AM

Tips for Effective Title writing of Blog Post

Title is an essential part of SEO, it’s just like human blood. If blood doesn’t exit then human died like similar to title, if title doesn’t exit then website is useless but you know that human blood is not same just like title would be not same. If you have blog and you write blog post title, just remember the post title because post title determines the CTR of your blog post, and a bad post title will ensure you will not get good traffic. There are several ways you can write different post title for search engines and for audiences. If you want more visitors to your blog then you should always use these methods.

Think about writing blog post headline as, writing title for a sales copy, cheesier, attractive and simple it is, it would work extra in favor for you. If you are using this method on majority of your blog post, it will produce your one time readers to read more on your blog. Now it is the time to discuss how you can get extra response for your blog by headline producing remarkably, a few reliable advises are as follows below.

Tips for Effective Title writing of Blog Post

Use Multiple Keywords in Title

Generally several bloggers concentrate on the individual keyword in the blog posts title. Then they mostly get normal position for their keyword used in the title. But few enhanced bloggers adopt the method of utilizing various keywords in the title.

Using this method improve the probability to search for the blog posts in the search of beyond 1 keyword. I usually try to utilize 2 – 3 keywords in the title of my written blogs posts. In this below an image will show the instance.

bloggingtipstricks post
The picture is brought from the search engine of my blog post.

As you seeing in this post title - Role of Social Media in SEO & Importance

There are various possibilities to search this post for few keywords, which are as follows-
  • Keyword 1 – Role of Social Media in SEO
  • Keyword 2 – Importance of Social media in SEO
  • Keyword 3 – Importance of SEO
The above explained post in the photo is worthy after seeking above 3 keywords and there may be some opportunities to find the post various where in search engine after looking the 3 mentioned keywords.

Title must be Readers and SEO Friendly Both

A couple of bloggers more focus on the writing titles seo friendly and some do focus on writing viewers friendly, But yet the clever publishers do pay attention to both equally.

Currently the debate is that How to write the title of the post both for search bots and Readers. Now I am providing the very effective answer of that according to my personal experience, first just look at the image below.

Title Must be Descriptive & Long

Short headline has very less content to express conclusion of the post, But the lengthy headings have enough words in it to describe the purpose of the the post by using numerous keywords also. If title of your blogs posts talks about the brief summary of the overall post, then your blog post is going to generate more eye-balls. This kind of post attracts the audience from all possible ways just like search engines, social media from other posts of the same blog also.

Other things to keep in mind:
  1. Don’t ever use stop words in blog post permalink
  2. Target keywords in your post title and in H1 tag
  3. Title should be Less than 70 characters - <source>
Currently, I am applying similar techniques while writing titles of my blogs posts.