Friday, April 27, 2012

4:07 AM

What’s the World’s Most Beautiful Country? [INFOGRAPHIC] 

Like everyone else, I have also fallen in love with Pinterest,the social network with lovely pictures at its core. Now Pinterest users get to make up their mind where they most love in the world.

An Outsourcing project created by travel website First Choice — living in an interactional HTML5 infographic – is asking globally-minded Pinterest users which are the world’s most adorable country. First Choice hopes the competition will arouse a desire for travel among users.

You cast a vote on Twitter or Pinterest for your best-loved country, and share the cause behind your selection.

When you search the graphic, you can look the pins which are already submitted for other countries and Find out why others voted for them as loveliest.

As we brought out this, the UK was winning the infographic contest, with the U.S. in 6th spot. That could vary lots of times over, however.

Have you got any travel board on Pinterest? Does using the site urge you to travel?