Thursday, December 6, 2012

12:01 AM

From A Dream To Reality!

SEO Ranking

Every entrepreneur dreams of a day when his website appears in the top ranking on the Google search page for a particular keyword. If this happens, you will have money rolling in faster than you can even imagine in your wildest dreams. But the moment you open your eyes, dream is over. Honestly, there is no limit to fantasizing; however, making the website appear on the top spot in popular search engines is a continuous struggle.

It’s not like you can never be ranked in top position. In fact, it’s very much possible if you know the right recipe. By writing and submitting SEO content content in popular directories and embedding suitable keywords to anchor link it to your site can be some of the first steps. In anchor linking your keyword becomes the clickable text that leads the visitor conveniently to your site. Hence, there is no need to use those extra words like click here.

You may also feel the need to hire some SEO services that will help you decide the most attractive keyword phrases for your site. Some people think of using one word keywords. This can bring some traffic to your site but it won’t be a targeted traffic. When a visitor types a single word in the search engine, it’s usually the beginning of a search. For instance a prospect looking for shoes will type in more than just shoes. He can enter jogging shoes or running shoes in the browser. But this is not all. If your product or service has more categories then it’s important you optimize your site for all possible keywords.

Besides, if you are a brand selling some particular products or services then your brand name along with the category of shoes will make unique keywords. By using such keywords, you will get closer to the target audience.

Getting Top Ranking in Search Pages -