Thursday, February 20, 2014

11:25 AM

Benefits of Facebook Fan Page

6 Benefits of Facebook Fan Page For Digital Media

We are 20 years into the age of the internet and with the growth of the same increase the need to be tech and net savvy. Everything and everyone is online today and so the ever increasing need to get your business online.
Facebook and other social media platforms have become very important in shaping businesses online and those who know how important these platforms can be are the ones gaining all the profit.

Facebook fan pages are very useful when it comes to marketing your business online. Digital media is easily sharable and accessible and quite inexpensive (free).

Following are 6 benefits of a Facebook fan page for digital media:
  1. Creating a Facebook fan page establishes a different outpost for your business. This helps because now even more people-clients, future employees, customers, media etc.-can see, talk, discuss and share things business related. People may not shop at Facebook but when dealing with a company, customers expect it to have a Facebook page because it gives it a more personal touch.
  2. Facebook has no qualms about directing its huge traffic to websites. So, linking your business website to the fan page is a good idea because this will increase the amount of traffic on your own site.
  3. Having a website for your business is cool but maintaining a fan page means letting of the formal side so that prospective clients and customers feel more at ease. You can create events and send huge amounts of invites to people all over the world, people who might be interested to attend. This makes customers feel special.
  4. Creating and maintaining a Facebook fan page will improve the SEO of your own site. More people will now know about you as you appear more easily and frequently on google. Google and other search and decision engines index content created on Facebook. When you have a fan page there, news about your business is more likely to appear near the top of the result pages.
  5. A fan page allows you and your staff to connect directly to your customers and this makes solving problems, discussing important issues and planning new ventures easier. People will share relevant links and videos on your wall, ask and answer questions and will hence, become more actively involved with your business. People let down their guard more easily in social media platforms and that is good because they will share their experiences and problems and what changes they think you should bring about in your company. Listening can be a good thing to do, in these cases.
  6. A fan page lets you keep an on your competitions and that too free of charge. You can remain informed about how your competitor’s fan following and hence, his business is improving and take measure accordingly.
So, it’s clear that it is a good idea to maintain a fan page on Facebook and to reap its unlimited benefits. It probably has more than the limited amount of benefits we listed here. Hence, before your competitors succeed in creating successful fan pages, you might as well stake your free claim and soon.

IG Pradeep is a Passionate blogger at Elitefox. He has been blogging for past 3 years, Inhills | Web Designing and software developing Company, Technology blogs and insane Comics Blogger.