Monday, February 13, 2012

4:33 AM

Content advertising was the first choice for business back in 2011, and it will be a similar choice in 2012. This study was conducted by the Content Marketing Institute.

In the yesteryear, marketers spread more B2B content on social networking than ever, according to CMI.

Content advertising comprehends latest techniques and methods of sharing information. Spreading unique, assist bits within the industry or with consumers creates brand knowingness, new customers and client loyalty. Businesses should be sharing information from firm research and client data. Data can be showed in web infographics, articles outlining business tips, videos and slideshows.

This infographic suggests businesses see at and American Express as instances of firms that are sharing good content. Coca-Cola has a vast online presence on Social Networking websites and other avenues where audiences and clients can exchange information, images and videos.

What latest and traditional social networking websites does your firm use? Tell us in the feedbacks.

Content Marketing
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