Wednesday, August 10, 2016

5:28 AM

Social Media Marketing has taken the online world by storm. It suddenly has taken over as an important way for website owners to get their information out to millions of people. Social Media users spend hours per day checking online; it is a genius idea to use this platform as a way to find new clients and to connect to existing customers.

Importance of Social Media Marketing

A large number of online businesses are seeing an increased amount of traffic because of social media marketing. Yet, some are still skeptical of the benefits. If you are wondering why it is worth your time, here are some benefits to consider.

Top 7 Benefits of Social Media Marketing

1. Increase Your Brand Loyalty

There are hundreds or thousands of companies selling similar products to yours. This is why it is important to reach out and connect with your customers. Millions use social media every day; this is the place to meet your customers. You can encourage them to be loyal to your brand with active participation with them.

2. Brand Authority

When you interact with your customers on a regular basis, it shows your customer that you care about them. You are more likely to get reviews and great comments posted on your website or social media accounts. When new clients see rave reviews, they are going to trust your brand and want to purchase from your business.

3. Increased Traffic

This is going to be one of the first effects of a social media marketing. People love to shop online. In fact, 43% of online shoppers are social media fans. These shoppers find new stores and shops from social media accounts. It could be a post their friend shared about their new purchase that arrived in the mail, or a sponsored post featuring a beautiful baby blanket. However, they find the businesses, evidence proves people will frequent shops that have a social media presence. This increase in traffic is going to lead to an increase in revenue.

4. Cheaper Marketing Costs

Social media accounts are free, and it doesn’t take much time for you to post a few times a day on your accounts. The results from this minimal effort will increase your traffic. There are also options on Facebook and Twitter for paid advertising. They are similar to pay per click advertising. The posts are sponsored and reach out to people who like similar brands as your company. It is a great way to find new clients for a small fee.

5. Better SEO

Google is now tapping into social media to help rate a website’s SEO. The recipe for successful SEO is always changing, and now it seems to require social media. Search engines can find posts about your business, and they act as a sort of signal. A new update is if a viewer searches for your specific company, Google will link to your social media accounts. So, to increase your SEO and search engine ranking, have an active social media account.

6. Drives Targeted Traffic

With one social media post, you can reach thousands of people. There is no other form of marketing that is essentially free and can reach such a large number of people. However, it also can target the traffic. Ads can target users based on their location, age, education level, and more. This hopefully can lead to a better chance of a successful campaign.

7. Keeping Up with Competition

Most brands are using at least one social media platform. If you opt not to, you are losing out on a potentially great thing. Your competitors are going to get the first chance at those customers.

These are just a few of the awesome benefits of using social media marketing. Your business has nothing to lose, but a whole lot to gain by using social media as a form of Marketing. Give it a try and see for yourself the benefits!