Saturday, June 1, 2013

1:02 AM

Project Google Glass - How Can Fans Use it? Now It's To Everyone

Google Glass Girl

Maybe almost everyone try the Google Glass project and also use it. This project is one of the most proactive commodities the company is presently working on it. Google has various projects but leastwise, among the some projects work Google has visible to the public.

During the writing article on Google Glass, I have got my first ever Google Glass gadget. But this is initial stage to use this gadget and I hope in future Google will improve that projects and bring out some new creative and innovative features in this gadget. Everyone knows that Google Glass is eye-wear with a heads up show that linked to the wearer’s smartphones and shoes information in the user’s line of sight.

For the rest of us, my friends also want that Google Glass gadget but I said that just wait until Glass is more commercially available but if you are love me, you likely desired how exactly does wearable gadget really works. If you want more information about Glass then check out the some great demo video. Well this is very easy and simple because Martin Missfeldt published the Google Glass infographic, in that he is explaining the technology behind Google Glass.

 Recommended Reading: Click here for more Infographics

How Google Glass Works