Wednesday, April 3, 2013

11:22 PM

Squidoo Now NoFollows Their Outbound Links

Squidoo Lens Logo

Squidoo lenses , a large user created content web site founded by Seth Godin , released they are now nofollowing all outbound back links.

I am shocked it took such a long time . It was established in 2005 and has been used by SEOs for decades to acquire links or content into Google . I believe Squidoo was strike hard after Panda.

That being said, Squidoo said:
Based on the successful implementations of other authoritative sites, like Wikipedia, Squidoo will now apply “nofollow” markup to all outbound links. This means that any link shared on a lens will work exactly as it always has for you and for people visiting Squidoo, but search engines will no longer use it as a signal for ranking.

 In 2010 , Squidoo had 1 .5 million hand-built "lenses" or pages .

There is forum reply from SEOs at several forums including SEOmoz and Warrior Forums , here is one opinion :
Not a big surprise. Made me money, served it's purpose, one tool in an arsenal that now is less effective, oh well right?